jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Próxima Reunión de Arte y Etica Viernes 18 de noviembre, 11:30 am Wall Street, Nueva York

Laura Anderson Barbata
in collaboration with the Brooklyn Jumbies

Intervention: Wall Street

November 16, 2011 (New York, NY) – Artist Laura Anderson Barbata, in collaboration with the Brooklyn Jumbies, will present Intervention: Wall Street on Friday, November 18, 2011. The performance will take place on Wall Street in New York City’s Financial District at approximately 12 pm.

Intervention: Wall Street was conceived as a response to the dire economic crisis that became most evident in 2008 which today afflicts not only Americans but has impacted 99% of the global population.  Financial speculation and banking abuses by the largest and most powerful institutions on Wall Street have brought misery to individuals, institutions and to entire countries.   In this public performance, Laura Anderson Barbata and the Brooklyn Jumbies bring to the Financial District of New York a world wide practice to remind viewers of the global impact of this crisis and the urgent need to elevate and change the values and practices of the New York Financial Industry.

On Friday, November 18, 2011, as part of the Moko Jumbies project, Anderson Barbata and the Brooklyn Jumbies will tower over the Financial District in a performance that incorporates stilt dancers wearing 12ft high business suits, music and a collaborative spirit.

In Western Africa, Moko is a spirit who watches over his village, and due to his towering height, is able to foresee danger and evil. In Africa, the Moko Jumbie (stilt dancer) is traditionally called in to cleanse and ward off evil spirits that have brought with them disease and misfortune to a village. On the other side of the Atlantic, in Oaxaca, Mexico, the Zancudos (stilt dancers) perform once a year to call upon the power of their saints to receive protection, blessings, and miracles.  In the same spirit of warding off evil and seeking a change in the mindset of those causing misfortune, Laura Anderson Barbata and the Brooklyn Jumbies will intervene on Wall Street. 
You are cordially invited to join and support the intervention/dance wearing a business suit.

The performance will take place at approximately 12 pm and will last for an estimated 30 minutes. It will begin on Broadway at Bowling Green and will continue uptown to Cedar, across from Zuccotti Park and make its way back through the back streets of the Financial District to Bowling Green and Broadway.
Any additional changes and details will be announced on mx-lab’s Facebook page on Friday November 18th in the morning. 

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